The other day we were looking at flights to New Zealand for the 2020 IM 70.3 World Championships and all of a sudden I started freaking out about what we were going to eat on the plane… haha! We won’t even be getting on that plane for more than 11 months and thats where my head goes (#thelifeofadieitian). I know it is all because the last time we traveled across the world I remember getting off the plane feeling like JUNK!! Like I remember my ankles were non-existent and I just felt swollen! Sitting for that many hours, not sleeping well and eating airplane meals is not a recipe for success for me and I am determined to find ways to prevent this feeling as much as possible so I don’t have to race feeling like a balloon!
A few days after I had my freak out moment, I was asked by two completely separate individuals if they had tips for traveling nutrition. And it got me thinking that I should share some information about this because I am sure it is a question that a lot of people face!
And yes, I will figure out how to eat on the plane before our race and yes I will share what I learn with all of you. For now, here are some good tips and ideas for plane/airport nutrition and hotel meals.
Airplane/Airport Nutrition
Things to be aware of:
Gels and liquids: gels and liquids have to be less than 3.4 oz. That means not only all fluids, but also yogurt, nut butters, hummus, guacamole, applesauce pouches and anything else that could even remotely be close to a “gel” like consistency. We had to throw away an entire jar of that delicious freshly ground honey roasted peanut butter once… consider this my warning to you!
Security: I almost always travel with food and get my bag pulled at security probably 25% of the time. It is a possibility, so expect that it might happen. They usually just open my bag, pull out the food, look at it to make sure it is food (they are very respectful about not touching it) and let me go. Literally, I got pulled for having a large carrot in my bag once (I guess it looked dangerous!!)
Smells: For the respect of those around you on the plane, don’t bring something super smelly. Some people are even cautious about nuts and nut butters because of allergies.
Packaging: I will only bring things on the plane that don’t require a container from home. I am not going to carry around a container for my whole trip. Choose packages that you can throw away or bring a container that you don’t mind parting with, just to make your life easier!
Water bottles: make sure you empty your water bottles before security and then just fill them up on the other side! Most coffee shops will do it for you if you are looking for fresh water!
Food During Layovers:
I found an awesome salad bar in the Minneapolis Airport. If you’re at that airport, FIND IT!!!
Look for fresh: Look for proteins and fresh fruits and vegetables. I usually have the best luck at coffee shops. Don’t just settle for the packaged sandwiches and yogurt parfaits. If you have the time, do some searching and try to get creative.
Timing: Know when you are going to get hungry and be prepared. If you aren’t hungry during your layover, but know you will be on your next flight, grab something that you can bring on the plane. If you will be flying over a meal time, make sure that something is a meal and not just snacks.
Meal and Snack Ideas
Oatmeal: you can now find oatmeal packaged in cups Quaker, Picky, and Kodiak Cake are just a few brands that do this. Bring a banana and a pack of nut butter (less than 3.4oz). Get some hot water (for free) on the plane or at a coffee shop in the airport. Mix all together and let it absorb. Then enjoy!
Sandwich: For early morning flights, we usually bring PB + Banana sandwiches. We have also brought turkey sandwiches and PB&Js. (be cautious of bringing tuna because of the smell).
Fruits and vegetables: we always bring all the fruits and vegetables in our fridge that we didn’t get a chance to eat before we left. This way you can have them on the plane and at your destination (if customs is not an issue!)
Bento Box: bring any mix of cheese, crackers, deli meat, vegetables, hard boiled eggs, nuts, fruit for a meal or snack!
Bars: My favorite bars to recommend (and eat) are RX Bars. They also have nut butters with added protein which are under 3.4oz and delicious with fruit or on their own.
Jerky: jerky can be an easy and fun way to get protein. Chomp Sticks and Epic Bars are a couple brands that I suggest!
Kodiak cakes: bring these with fruit and nut butter to make a meal!
Trail mix/nuts: just make sure they are portioned out so you don’t eat the whole thing!!
Tuna packs: This is for layovers (so you don’t stink up the whole plane!) Bring some vegetables and crackers and you have a nicely balanced meal!
Nutrition for your stay:
Tips for eating while at your destination:
Protein and vegetables: My #1 tip!! Look for vegetables and protein, the carbs will be there too! They are the hardest to find, but well worth the search. You can always ask what vegetable side options area available!
Go off of hunger: With time changes and different than normal foods, listen to your body and how hungry it is. Meals out are often naturally bigger and more dense than foods you would have at home. Don’t just eat to eat, but also make sure you have enough to make it to the next meal.
Have snacks available: because meal times and hunger can be off, bring snacks with you just in case you get hungry when a meal isn’t around!
Don’t splurge on every meal: It is tempting to splurge just because you are eating out. Choose a couple of meals that are worth the splurge and then try and choose healthy options for the other meals. You’ll feel better, I promise!
Stop by a store to grab some healthy options: most hotels have a refrigerator. Grab some fruits and vegetables and other fresh snacks and utilize the refrigerator.
Save leftovers: if you are out to eat and don’t finish your meal, stick the rest in the refrigerator in the hotel room. You can eat it for another meal!
Utilize the complementary breakfast: I am the queen at grabbing things at the complimentary breakfast to snack on later!!! There are often options that you can throw in your room refrigerator or even just take to go.
Meal Ideas:
Remember, when you build a meal, look for a protein, starch and vegetable or fruit. This will help keep it balanced. Here are some ideas:
carrots, peppers, celery, cucumber and snap peas all do well with the stresses of traveling
Salad mixes
Salad from salad bars
Frozen vegetables
whole wheat bread/tortillas
Whole wheat or rice crackers
Rice cakes
Microwaveable brown rice or quinoa
Oatmeal cups
Tuna or chicken packets
Hard boiled Eggs
Deli meat
Smoked Salmon
Greek yogurt
Peanut butter
Guacamole packs
String cheese/cheese wheels
Meal ideas:
Salad mix + microwaveable brown rice + tuna or eggs
Whole wheat tortillas + turkey and cheese + carrots
Greek yogurt + oatmeal + fruit
Peanut butter and banana sandwiches
Guacamole and hard boiled egg sandwich
Rice cakes + smoked salmon + bell peppers
I hope these ideas can help on your next travel adventure!